Early Years Foundation Stage

Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) includes our youngest students from Nursery and Reception (ages 3 – 5). EYFS provides safe and caring environment that caters to the learning needs of children within this age range. Trained EYFS teachers guide students through age-appropriate activities that extend their learning in these developmental years.

The EYFS curriculum is based on the UK Early Years Foundation framework, which is made up of seven key areas of learning and development. These areas are used by practitioners to shape the educational programmes offered within Nursery and Reception. All seven areas are crucial to ignite children’s curiosity, build a love of learning, form positive relationships and thrive within their educational journey. Through child-initiated learning and engaging topic titles, all seven areas are planned for and developed to ensure that students access the very best learning experiences available.




Students are offered the opportunities to access a wide range of reading materials to ignite their love of reading and rich use of language. They are able to write simple sentences; this can be independent writing through topic based role-play and structured sessions. Using Read Write Inc, students are taught to recognise letter sounds and eventually to blend these sounds to read and write CVC words.


Students are offered a range of opportunities to develop and improve their skills in using and understanding numbers, counting, simple addition and subtraction calculations and recognising shape, space and measures. Through topic based songs, games and activities, student’s are enabled to explore and gain confidence in this area.

Communication and Language

Students are given opportunities to experience an environment full of rich language opportunities. Through regularly updated topic based role-play areas students are able to develop their confidence and skills in expressing themselves and to speak and listen in a range of real life situations and imaginative play.

Physical Development

Progression involves providing stimulating learning opportunities for students to be active and interactive throughout the day. Through regular PE sessions, students are encouraged to develop their co-ordination, control and movement as well as weekly swimming sessions. They are given opportunities to handle equipment and tools effectively, including pencils for writing and scissors for cutting. Students are also encouraged to make healthy eating choices in relation to food.

Personal, Social and Emotional Development

Students are helped to develop a positive sense of themselves, their surroundings and form positive relationships with peers and staff. Through role-play, games and interactions, students are encouraged to develop social skills, to understand appropriate behaviour in groups, to manage their emotions. And to have a confidence in themselves and their abilities.

Understanding the World

This key area allows students to make sense of their physical world, their community and people in their lives. Students are offered opportunities to explore, observe and investigate people, places, technology and the environment surrounding them. This is accessed through stories, songs and role-play.

Expressive Art and Design

Students are given the opportunity to explore and play with a wide range of materials. Through our topic based activities, students can experience a variety of activities including art, music, movement, dance, role-play, design and technology and share their thoughts, ideas and feelings through play based activities.